Monthly Archives: August 2015

Is it a fight

Often times jiu-jitsu competitions, and mma are labeled as two different things most people only consider mma a fight and get offended if you call your grappling  match a fight now let’s  analyze the two mixed martial artist train hard,cut weight, and sharpen there skills in preparation  to defeat a opponent, now for the “jiu-jitsu guy” a Jujutsu-Ka (柔術家) train hard cut weight  and sharpen there skills in preparation to defeat a opponent sound familiar?  Also the same injuries are present in both sports so why is one a fight and the other isn’t i dont think the rules you choose to compete under makes it less or more of a fight if we did then where would it end do you say the boxer isn’t fighting  because  of the rules he chose to fight under can the military guy trump everyone because there’s no rules when they fight and its to the death in my opinion i think every combat sport should be respected thats is
Thanks for reading