Monthly Archives: April 2015


I see alot of adds that say “eat this or drink that” even though there is no particular thing to eat or drink that will make you into cyborg abreu you do want to eat and drink like you care about your body and your performance this doesn’t mean you have to eat like a rabbit or turn down drinking with your buds cuz i love a cold beer just like anyone else… moderation we all take in different amounts of stuff threw out the day and we’re  all built differently so its hard to say how much of something i, you or someone else should have maybe that guy that gets the proper amount of water each day can have a extra beer or two maybe the guy that slacks on hydration may wanna cut it to one beer a week same goes with food a home cooked burger and fries for a guy that works out everyday wont have the same effect  on the guy thats been laying around all day but one thing remains the same when getting ready for a competition or anything assuming weight doesn’t matter a month out you definitely wanna cut out all the crap like bread ,pasta, alcohol, all the things that slow you down so u can run like the well tuned machine you are

Rolling with a female

With the  art growing and gaining popularity women are not afraid to join in on the action usually the majority of there sparring partners  will be men and it is up to those men to make sure that woman is getting  a good session #1 dont crush them. Im sure you have the guy or guys in your school that thinks every night is abu Dhabi night and they want that world title now the problem with that  is are lady friend is not getting a good session as the 220lbs man is not trying to lose one point against  someone  half his size #2 not to soft. There not made of glass you dont have to not attack out of fear of hurt them and laying there like a dead body is not helping them grow there game so what would be my advice on rolling with a woman…..attack them change position on them constantly let them always be able to work there attack and there defense let them work there guard pass and let them tap you…yup i said it let them tap you only after you  notice that the technique on that attack is perfect you’re partner will appreciate it when there at a tournament and there truly prepared 

The white belt

Normally people shy away from rolling with the white belt but the problem is not the white belts lack of technique the problem is in the way you may be rolling with the white belt instead of using this as a rest round you should be practicing certain parts of a jujitsu match such as survival,pressure control,submission chaining and submission defense and while ur working ur defense ur partner is gaining confidence as he is positionally dominating you and if he snags up a submission while your working the bugs out of a new escape so be it you know any day of the week you would smoke him and knowing that your powerful is the only power youll ever need and if you tap him so what hes a white belt instead of tapping him over and over again work that escape you just learned against a person that you know is using every bit of strength in his body to get it and if you neutralize his attack you know ur ready to try it on hire belts then you add to your game instead of beating that white belt….over and over